We’re doing something we’ve never done before! We want to help and
encourage you to grow a larger L’BRI business, so, for the first time,
we are making it possible for the new Consultants joining your team to
join you in Puerto Vallarta. When we hit the beach on March 16, you and your new Consultants can enjoy this Pacific paradise together. You have already begun earning the 2014 Founders’ Club Trip incentive, and, every new Consultant joining your team as of July 1 is doing the same.
How can you earn your way to Puerto Vallarta? Hold Shows, sell, sponsor new Consultants, and help them become successful in the business. Do this, earn the required points, and you’ll be on your way to an incredible vacation at one of the world’s most luxurious beachside resorts, the Hotel Riu Palace Pacifico in Puerto Vallarta.
While you earn the Founders’ Club Trip, your new Consultants earn the same trip, and they only need 30,000 points. Is that a fantastic incentive to join L’BRI right now? You know it is! Share our business opportunity by letting everyone you know how they can join you on the beach in March.
At National Convention, I talked about having the dreams, desire, determination, discipline, and dedication to fulfill your destiny. If you have yet to earn the Founders’ Club Trip incentive, now is the time to dream it and make it happen. Take a moment to dream how it will feel to enjoy a beautiful vacation in a stunning location. Build the desire within yourself to realize your dream trip. Determine to hold Shows and sponsor new Consultants every week all the way through December. Find the discipline within yourself to stay on course, and be dedicated to your goal. I believe you have a destiny to lead a team of L’BRI achievers to Puerto Vallarta. So, I urge you to live your destiny. Bring your new Consultants to a beach party they’ll never forget. Now that’s a beautiful way to live!

Spirit of L'BRI recipient
After hearing my name being called as the Spirit of L'BRI recipient I am still in shock! What an honor! If I were to compare this to anything I may have received in years past in my traditional job, well, it just doesn’t! Back then getting a great review and receiving a small raise put a smile on my face, I guess because I knew, “that’s all there was ever going to be”. Receiving the Spirit of L’BRI Award means so much to me. It’s a symbol of pride, consistency and determination! I have to admit; I had thought about this award before that night and thought wow, what I would have to “really” do to earn this award. Now looking back at this year I think, hmm, how did this happen?! The best answer I can come up with is that I stayed true to myself and I stayed the course. It means that I have goals and dreams and that can and are coming true!
I have been thinking quite a bit about this award and I shared with my husband how I feel even more confident in my abilities but also more committed to my team than I have ever been before. To me this was and is a team achievement! I have had so many wonderful mentors in the past four years, it’s just incredible. And I learn something daily from the ladies that I coach.
I don’t take away from this experience an “Aha... I made it." I look at my trophy in my office now and think who on my team I can inspire so that they may hold this symbol too.
I feel excited and energized to challenge my team to become the best students that they can be, to work from their heart, to use the systems that L’BRI and the home office team have put into place for us and to always think, yes, it can be you! When you do these things…. Well, the recognition is abundant!!I
I saw this quote and I think it sums it up!
Thank you again to my mentors and Dream Weavers. There are too many of you to name.
“The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have.” Norman Vincent Peale
Dianne Klopp - WI
Executive Manager
2013 Spirit of L'BRI Recipient |
Thank You to One & All
Since I went into a state of emotional shock at Convention with the announcement that I had been voted as the Consultant to receive the "It's a Beautiful Way to Live Award" the thoughts in my head & feelings from my heart were not all coming out of my mouth. That is why I want to thank those who nominated me, voted for me & all of the well wishers. This award has so touched my heart coming from my peers, my wonderful L'BRI sisters, and from this supportive L'BRI family. It has already been such an amazing journey that I literally do not know what I would of done without my L'BRI business, the people, flexibility of my schedule, and financial security. My L'BRI business makes it possible to do what I have to do, need to do and want to do. I know it will continue to help me in all aspects of my life. It keeps me filled with hope and dreams knowing that anything is possible. It is what keeps a smile on my face and in my heart. L'BRI truly is a Beautiful Way to Live. Thanks again everyone for all the hugs, kind words & celebrating with me. From the top of my head to the tips of my toes ( that is along way ) I will always remember how special you made me feel.
Lori Stone - WI
Executive Manager |